The core age range of the Anchor Section is from 5 to 8 years. We accept members from age 5 up to school year 3.

This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. The emphasis is on fun and programme activities include games, crafts, stories and opportunities to learn and share in new experiences. Throughout their time in the Anchor Section, children can gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme.

The Uniform

Children in the Anchor Section wear a uniform of a blue polo shirt and red sweatshirt. Members also wear school trousers and footwear as part of the uniform.

Safe & caring

All our adult volunteers undertake a disclosure (criminal records) check as part of their registration with The Boys’ Brigade, and are trained to provide a safe and caring environment for all children.

What it costs

We charge a subscription fee, currently it is £15.00 per term or £40.00 for the full session (3 terms). This said, we don’t want any child to miss out because of cost, so if you have any concerns about finance please speak to a leader in the local group in confidence about this.

How do I join?

The best way to get involved with the Boys' Brigade is to find us is by using our ‘Contact button’ located on the home page and completing the online contact form, or just pop along on any Tuesday night during term time when our group meets. The contact page has our address on it with Google maps to easily find us.